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Amphora Aromatics

Eucalyptus Essential Oil 10ml

Eucalyptus Essential Oil 10ml

Regular price £2.90 GBP
Regular price Sale price £2.90 GBP
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  • Energising Stimulating and clearing
  • Traditionally used to help clear the sinuses


Have the bottle at hand to have a sniff from to help clear the airways (useful especially at night if you're suffering from a cold). You could also add a few drops to a cotton ball and place under the pillow. Ad 2-3 drops to a bowl of hot water, cover head with towel and use as a steam inhalation. Add a few drops to a bath to enjoy its invigorating and refreshing properties. Dilute with a carrier oil and use in massage to help refresh, restore and ease sore muscles. Diffuse in a vaporiser or traditional burner to help energise and refresh.

Safety Advice

Dilute in a carrier oil before skin application. Keep away from children, pets and out of eyes. Do not take internally. For further advice on using essential oils to treat medical conditions, I  recommend you seek advice from a professional.

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